Professor Sun Qixiang, a professor at the School of Economics, Peking University: Vigorously developing commercial insurance is an important force in the development of the health industry

China News Service, March 25th. China Development High-level Forum 2024 Annual Meeting was held on March

  China News Service, March 25th. China Development High-level Forum 2024 Annual Meeting was held on March 24-25, 2024.On the afternoon of March 24th, a “Symposium on the Great Health Industry” was held. Sun Qixiang, a professor at the School of Economics of Peking University, said in a speech in the “Group Discussion Two” link: The development of the big health industry is a major strategic issue related to the overall situation.Scientific top -level design.

  Sun Qixiang talked about her understanding of the concept of great health from the three dimensions of long, wide, and high:In one sentence, Great Health is a complete element collection related to the physical and mental health of the people. It includes three dimensions: length, width, and high.

  The long dimension refers to all health problems encountered from all stages of a life cycle from embryonic development to birth until the death of death.

  The wide dimension includes two aspects: demand and supply: from the perspective of demand, it is related to the health needs and health consumption of national individuals; from the perspectiveIndustry, health care products, health management service industries and health care industries.

  High dimensions refer to a relatively complete health security system composed of macroe, middle views, and micro -organizations including government, professional medical institutions, families and individuals.

  Regarding the development of the big health industry, Sun Qixiang put forward four thoughts:

  The first is to deeply understand the significance of the development of the big health industry.The development of the big health industry is a major strategic issue related to the overall situation and requires the top -level design of science.

  The second is to clarify the service objects of the large health industry.With the improvement of people’s living standards, the large health industry needs to design products that are “good, less sick, old, slow, live and get safe” to provide service guarantee.

  The third is to give full play to the role of commercial health insurance.Security protection involves various aspects of politics, economy, society, and technology, and vigorously developing commercial insurance is an important force in the development of the health industry.