The dilemma of athletes around the world: too early, too much, too boring

It does not take 10,000 hours to excel in a sport.The Divine Translation Bureau is a compilation team of 36 氪. It pays attention to t

It does not take 10,000 hours to excel in a sport.

The Divine Translation Bureau is a compilation team of 36 氪. It pays attention to the fields of technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, and focuses on introducing new technologies, new views, and new winds abroad.

Editor’s note: Normal and moderate sports activities have potential positive significance for young people’s body and psychology. However, because young athletes have mature in their bodies and psychology than adults, training courses for professional athletes are to children and children and childrenAdolescents are not suitable, which will cause certain potential damage, which will affect their future life.This article is compiled from POPSCI.COM, the original title of Young Athletes are Training too Early, too hard, and with too little variety. The author Isobel Whitcomb analyzed the impact of high -intensity training and competitive pressure on young athletes from a scientific perspective. I hope to give you you.Bring some thinking.

Cooked coincidence: This is the concept of internalization of children, parents and coaches in sports.According to some people, about one -third of school -age athletes are devoted to a sport, participating in high -intensity training throughout the year, and sometimes turning between multiple teams.They narrowed their attention when they were young.Neeru Jayanthi, a internal doctor of Emory Sports Medicine, said that many children began to focus on a sport between 10 and 12 years old.

Young sports are not always like this.Jayanthi said that we once regarded sports as a medium to play with friends, and now we have become “how can you achieve in this sport and how long can you achieve impressive results.”About 20 years ago, Jia Anti was one of the first researchers that he had warned his so -called “youth sports professionalism”.

Today, a large number of literature shows that this trend is at the expense of young athletes.High -intensity training will increase children’s fatigue and injury rate.Sports medical doctors and other experts agreed that children lack neurotomy control ability, and their bodies are not developed. They cannot repeat a movement over and over again, encouraging them to have a long -term impact on their physical and mental health.

As we all know, Tiger Woods started playing golf at the age of two; Serena Williams first picked up the racket at the age of 4.The story of the famous athletes began to train when a toddler has deepened people’s concepts, that is, if you want to succeed, you must start early and work hard.

Jia Anti said that the writer Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 -hour law promoted in the book “Outliers” published in 2008 will only encourage this belief.The theory believes that it takes 10,000 hours to practice a complex skill.(Jia Anpi said that it turns out that this rule has never been applicable to athletes. Early research data only paid attention to some chess champions and outstanding musicians. Recent data questioned these conclusions.)

Elizabeth Matzkin, a plastic surgeon at Britton and Women ‘S Hospital, said the consequences of these concepts are: parents and coaches believe that if they do not encourage their children to focus on the year, they do not encourage their children to focus on the year.In a sport, their young athletes will be behind.”This is actually unscientific,” Matskin said, “but worried that backwardness is true.” In a survey of a 201 child athlete’s parents, more than half of the parents hoped that their children would continue to engage in occupations.Sports, or at least in college, but less than 1%of children really do this.These parents are more likely to encourage their children to specialize in sports.

It turns out that there is no scientific evidence that it will focus on a exercise in childhood to help the success of the future.A group of medical scientists, including Jia Anyi, reviewed 22 research on the training history of excellent and non -excellent adult athletes.They published the results of the research on the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2019: “In 22 studies, there is no advantage in prove that there is no professionalism,” said Jia Anti.A study published in Journal of Sports Science in 2013 found that the facts are exactThe possibility of participating in international competitions in the late adolescence is more than twice the same age who participated in one sport.

Children’s athletes are not a narrow version of adults.The brain of young athletes is developing, and they cannot control their muscles like older teenagers or adults, and it takes time to master the muscles.Marzkin said that their bodies were not strong enough and could not bear duplicate actions, which may cause injuries due to excessive use, such as tibial splints and stress fractures.

The injuries suffered in childhood may have long -term consequences, which may lead to degenerative diseases, such as arthritis.Mateskin said: “We can let them return to the field, we can treat them, but we cannot stop the consequences of 15 or 20 years later.”

Any child participating in sports is risk of injury, but there is evidence that only one movement will increase the risk of injury.In 2015, a group of sports medical doctors checked 546 women’s basketball, football and volleyball players to ask their pain level and training solutions.Research on the research on Journal of Sports Rehability found that the possibility of knee injury of single project athletes was four times that of diversified athletes.

Mateskin said that diversified exercise not only exercised different muscle groups, but also helped children develop their ability to control the motor nerve control and reduce their risk of injuries, such as ligaments to tear.She added that it can also prevent children from abandoning sports from her heart after adulthood.

Some experts point out that excessive training and high -level competition pressure can also lead to injury and burnout.Most research on sports specialization is retrospective, without controlling training time.Jia Anti said that it is possible to become a healthy professional athlete, but this requires continuous and carefully supervising the training plan for young athletes.It is also important that we must also ensure that the child is satisfied with the training volume, and there is not much competitive pressure.If a young athlete really wants to engage in high -level exercise, then there must be an age suitable for professional training.Jia Anti said: “This is not a bad choice for everyone.”

Jia Anti said that for most children, parents should not consider letting their children specialize in a sport before the age of 14, even if the coach encourages them to do this, even if the child begins to give up other campaigns.It is not too late to consider in the middle and late period of adolescence.He said, “You have to do the most conducive to children.”

Mateskin said that in the end, parents and their children should keep in mind the main points of youth sports: have fun.”Looking at our young athletes, less than 1%of people can reach the level of elite,” she said. “So finding more fun in exercise may be more important than hard work to become elites.”

Translator: Xiuer Mom