The six departments issued the "Notice": Clarify the scope of prefabricated dishes and stipulates that prefabricated dishes do not add preservatives

Focus on  ■ What is prefabricated dish?  Take one or more edible agricultural products and their products as raw materials  Use or n

  Focus on

  ■ What is prefabricated dish?

  Take one or more edible agricultural products and their products as raw materials

  Use or not use seasonings and other auxiliary materials, do not add preservatives

  Pre -processing of industrialization (such as stirring, marinating, rolling, forming, frying, fried, baking, baking, steaming, etc.)

  With or not matched the seasoning bag

  Storage, transportation and sales conditions that meet the product label

  Pre -packaged dishes that can be eaten after heating or cooked system

  ■ Which is not a prefabricated dish?

  1. The dishes made by the central kitchen of the chain catering company are not incorporated into the prefabricated dishes.

  2. Simple processing without cooking, such as cleaning, peeling, and cutting, is edible agricultural products and does not belong to prefabricated dishes.

  3. Stable products do not belong to prefabricated dishes, such as: quick -frozen rice food, convenient food, box lunch, lunch rice, steamed buns, cakes, meat crickets, bread, burgers, sandwiches, pizza, etc.

  ■ How strict is the prefabricated dishes?

  Prefabricated dishes are clearly mentioned that no preservatives are added.

  Strictly use food additives to ensure food safety of prefabricated vegetable products.

  Strictly put the prefabricated dishes production license and increase the entry threshold for the prefabricated vegetable industry.

  Strictly prevent the risks of pesticides and veterinary drug residues to ensure the quality of the quality of agricultural products.

  ■ Can there be no preservatives?

  Food additives “do not need to add” and “as much as possible to reduce the amount of food additives” have gradually become an industry consensus.

  Prefabricated dishes have no technical necessity of preservatives through freezing conditions such as freezing, refrigerating, etc.

  ■ What is the use of prefabricated dishes to promote the use of prefabricated dishes?

  The protection of consumers’ right to know and choice is an important measure to respond to social concerns.

  Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Health and Health Commission and other departments jointly issued the “Notice on Strengthening Prefabricated Food Safety Supervision and Promoting the High -quality Development of the Industry” (hereinafter referred to as “””)) Focusing on the four aspects of prefabricated vegetable scope, standard system construction, food safety supervision, and promotion of high -quality development of the industry. It aims to strengthen prefabricated food safety supervision, promote the healthy development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, and ensure the safety of the people of the people.

  Which are prefabricated dishes?

  Which is not?

  Prefabricated dishes are also known as prefabricated dishes. They use one or more edible agricultural products and their products as raw materials, use or do not use seasonings and other auxiliary materials, and do not add preservatives.Made in molding, frying, frying, baking, cooking, steaming, etc.), which is matched with or not matching the seasoning bag, which meets the storage, transportation and sales conditions marked by the product label.Including staple foods, such as quick -frozen rice foods, convenient foods, box lunches, lunch, stuffed rice, steamed buns, cakes, meat crickets, bread, burgers, sandwiches, pizza, etc.

  Relevant departments should coordinate development and safety, and urge food production and operation enterprises to engage in prefabricated vegetable production and operation activities in accordance with the requirements of prefabricated vegetable supplementary materials, processing technology, product scope, storage and transportation, and eating methods.Vigorously promote the use of prefabricated dishes in the catering link to protect consumers’ right to know and choose.

  It is necessary to study and formulate prefabricated food food safety and quality standards

  The “Notice” states that the national standards for prefabricated food and food safety should be studied.The standards of rigorous and uniformly formulated the standards for the production and processing of pre -production, refrigerated and cold chain logistics, etc., and clearly regulate the requirements for prefabricated food food safety requirements.

  It is necessary to study and formulate the quality standards for prefabricated dishes.Promote the development of quality standards such as prefabricated dishes, product classification, and strengthen the connection with national standards for food safety.Encourage corporate standards and group standards including product quality, inspection methods and regulations.

  Strictly control the production permit

  Increase supervision and inspection intensity

  The “Notice” pointed out that strengthening the supervision of prefabricated dishes must strictly implement the main responsibility.Urges prefabricated vegetable production and operation enterprises to establish and improve food safety management systems in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Enterprises Implementing the Supervision and Management of Food Safety Master”, strengthen the control of food production and operation risk, strictly control the quality of raw materials, check the promise of the standard for the raw materials for edible agricultural products in accordance with the law,The quality of the products proves that strict food additives are used, and the food safety of prefabricated vegetable products can be effectively guaranteed.

  To strengthen production license management.Revised and improved the review of the relevant food production licenses to improve the entry threshold for the prefabricated vegetable industry.Market supervision departments in various places shall implement classification permits for prefabricated dishes based on factors such as food raw materials and craftsmanship, strictly permit review and on -site inspections, and strictly put the prefabricated dishes production license.

  It is necessary to increase supervision and inspection.Focus on the implementation of quality and safety measures such as inspection inspection, production process control, storage and transportation and other links in prefabricated vegetable production and operation enterprises. For the problems found in the inspection, they must be ordered to rectify and form a closed -loop supervision.Organize prefabricated dishes and random inspections and risk monitoring, and severely crack down on illegal and illegal acts.

  Coordinate and promote the high -quality development of the prefabricated vegetable industry

  The “Notice” proposes to enhance the capacity of high -quality raw materials.Guide the construction of consolidated agricultural product raw materials production concentration zones to increase the construction of high -quality agricultural product production bases and related equipment and facilities, continue to promote the construction of the “first workshop”, improve the level of commercialization and standardization of raw materials for edible agricultural products; guide agricultural products growers and farmers scientific medication, and strictly prevent preventive prevention.The risk of pesticides and veterinary drugs exceeds the standard to ensure the quality of the raw materials of agricultural products.Encourage prefabricated vegetable manufacturers to establish collaborative relationships with new agricultural business entities such as farmers cooperatives and family farms to ensure stable, safe and reliable sources of raw materials for edible agricultural products.

  Improve the level of research and development of key technology innovation.Encourage prefabricated vegetable enterprises to jointly carry out key common technical research such as gas -preserving atmosphere, precision preservation and quality control, etc., and focus on solving the problem of flavor attenuation; innovation non -thermal processing, microbial control, micro -capsule burial, nutrition and flavor steady state of stateCrafts, reduce the loss of nutritional ingredients, improve product quality and taste recovery; encourage prefabricated vegetable companies to use new product packaging materials, reduce the amount of packaging materials, increase packaging intensity, and prevent excessive food packaging.

  Accelerate the application of advanced production technology and equipment.Encourage the development of key equipment for pre -processing of raw materials for edible agricultural products, strengthen the application of pre -processing equipment such as peeling and peeling, sorting, and cleaning and cutting, and improve the intelligent and fresh treatment level of raw materials.Promote the application of advanced equipment such as processing, packaging, warehousing, and logistics that adapt to the development of prefabricated dishes to improve the level of automation and production circulation of key processes.

  Actively create a good industrial development environment.Support the construction of the prefabricated vegetable industry agglomeration area, implement centralized and unified management, and improve the intensive and large -scale effects.Encourage relevant industry associations and industry alliances, etc. to strengthen the construction of the integrity system of the industry, promote the cultivation of prefabricated vegetable brands, and play a leading role in demonstration of enterprises.Support the development of third -party evaluation activities such as prefabricated dishes, quality, nutrition, etc., and continuously improve consumers’ sense of security and satisfaction with prefabricated dishes.

  >> Hot interpretation

  There are more than 70,000 prefabricated vegetable processing enterprises in my country

  According to industry statistics, there are currently more than 70,000 prefabricated vegetable processing enterprises in my country. In 2023, the output value exceeded 500 billion yuan, which is accelerating to the trillion yuan track.

  The relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Market Supervision said that the prefabricated vegetable industry is the emerging food industry that has developed rapidly in recent years, showing the characteristics of deep integration and development of the first, secondary and tertiary industries. Its industrial chain is long, widely related, and high technical requirements.The transformation, consumption upgrade, and entrepreneurial employment are all positive.However, prefabricated dishes are also facing problems such as generalization, inconsistent standards, inconsistent scope of industrial policy support, and pre -preservatives to add preservatives in prefabricated dishes. Supervision work faces new challenges.The “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the key work of the key work of comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization in 2023” proposes to cultivate the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry.The General Administration of Market Supervision and other departments, focusing on the development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, public concern and supervision needs, and the “Notice”, aiming to further strengthen prefabricated food safety supervision, promote the healthy development of the prefabricated vegetable industry, and ensure the safety of the people.

  Why don’t you belong to prefabricated vegetables such as steamed buns?

  The relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Market Supervision said that prefabricated dishes are also known as prefabricated dishes, and their scope should be both prefabricated and dishes.On the one hand, highlighting the characteristics of industrialization pre -processing.The prefabricated dishes should have the characteristics and requirements and requirements of food production and processing and processing and processing and processing and processing and processing and processing and processing and processing of large -scale food industrialization.Enterprise production prefabricated dishes shall obtain food production permits in accordance with the law, comply with the state’s relevant requirements for pre -packaged food laws and regulations and standards, and strengthen the risk management and control of purchase inspection, process control, factory inspection, storage and transportation, and sales and use.Considering that chain catering companies are widely used in the central kitchen model, their self -production and net dishes, semi -finished products, and finished dishes delivered to their own stores should meet the laws and regulations and standards of food safety.The dishes made in the central kitchen are not included in the range of prefabricated dishes.On the other hand, highlight the attributes of dishes.After simply processing such as cleaning, peeling, and cutting, unprecedented clean vegetable foods are edible agricultural products and do not belong to prefabricated dishes.Speed -frozen rice food, convenient food, box lunch, lunch, lunch, steamed buns, cakes, meat crickets, bread, burger, sandwiches, pizza and other staple food products are not prefabricated.In addition, the definition emphasizes that it can be consumed after heating or cooked system.Heating refers to the process of heating food to the edible state, that is, a simple heat repetition of the products that are already prepared and cooked before consumption.The cooked system refers to the process of cooked food by stir -frying, frying, baking, boiling, steaming, etc., that is, it is not fully cooked during the pre -processing stage, and it is necessary to be eaten after the system is thoroughly cooked.Edible foods that can be edible without heating or cooked, and cold dishes such as vegetables (fruits) salads that can be edible are not prefabricated.

  Zhang Chunhui, chief scientist of the Innovation Team of the Institute of Innovation of the Institute of Agricultural Products Processing of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that clarifying the definition and scope of prefabricated vegetables will help improve the “entry threshold” of production enterprises, standardize industry development, dispel market doubts, implement the responsibility of the food safety subject of prefabricated vegetable enterprises2. Strengthen the management of production permits and create a good industrial development environment.

  Zhang Chunhui believes that the regulations have divided the prefabricated dishes with net dishes, central kitchen and other industries, which helps to prevent many problems that “prefabricated dishes are a basket and can be installed in it.”

  What are the consideration of prefabricated dishes without adding preservatives?

  The relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Market Supervision said: First, adhere to the people -centered and satisfy consumers’ higher expectations for prefabricated dishes.As a “three meals a day” for the majority of consumers, consumers are very concerned about the use of preservatives for prefabricated vegetables while pursuing fast, convenient and delicious.Although prefabricated dishes are industrialized prefabricated, they still belong to the category of dishes. Consumers generally do not add preservatives during the cooking process of dishes. It is stipulated that without adding preservatives in prefabricated dishes is more in line with consumer expectations.The second is to take into account the actual situation of the industry and lead the high -quality development direction of the prefabricated vegetable industry.Food additives “do not need to add”, “the use of food additives in food” has gradually become an industry consensus on the premise of achieving the expected effect as much as possible.Prefabricated dishes are processed by freezing, refrigerated and other storage conditions and after germicidal processing processes.The third is to strictly abide by the safety bottom line and meet the requirements of prefabricated risk management and control.In the process of production, storage, transportation, and sales, prefabricated dishes have high requirements for environmental, temperature, humidity, and light. The full -chain food safety risk management and control should be strengthened. Different categories of prefabricated dishes should strictly meet the corresponding frozen refrigeration and other conditions., To ensure food safety.

  Wang Wei, Dean of the Sichuan Prefabricated Caikawa Vegetable Research Institute (center), said that the “Notice” promptly responded to the masses ‘concerns about adding preservatives, and met the expectations of consumers’ expectations for safe nutrition and health foods.More stringent quality management requirements.

  According to Zhang Ke, director of the Innovation and Development Engineering Center of China Prefabricated Vegetable Industry Park, many prefabricated factories currently use a cold chain or quick -frozen method to preserve freshness and extend the shelf life.In the future, the development of prefabricated dishes should be used to use more scientific seasoning, fresh -keeping, and quality preservation methods to strictly use food additives.

  Why should we vigorously promote the use of prefabricated dishes in the catering link?

  Some consumers report that individual chain catering brands use the promotional pictures of cooking on the spot for chefs, which is actually prefabricated.

  Zhang Ke believes that the fusion of prefabricated dishes and people’s lifestyles is getting higher and higher. It is necessary to correctly science popularize prefabricated food knowledge, and at the same time establish strict institutional constraints so that prefabricated dishes can be guaranteed in terms of quality, safety, and nutrition.

  The relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Market Supervision believes that the use of prefabricated dishes in the promotion of catering links is an important measure to protect consumers’ right to know and choose, and respond to social concerns.Article 8 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law stipulates that consumers enjoy the right to know the real situation of their purchases of goods or services they buy, use.It is difficult for consumers to distinguish whether they are prefabricated dishes in appearance and taste when they are not informed, especially in the case of ordering takeaway.At present, consumers generally pay attention to the use of prefabricated dishes in the catering link, and look forward to publicizing the use of prefabricated dishes.
Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and others

  >> Media hot review

  Prefabricated vegetable national standard

  Let the public eat it clearly

  The introduction of prefabricated vegetable national standards will help the industry’s standardization and promote the standardization of the industry, and supervision will also be “rely on law.”

  There are many highlights of the “Notice”. It is clear that prefabricated dishes are based on edible agricultural products and other raw materials. Pre -packaged dishes that can be eaten after industrialized pre -processing, heating or cooked production must not be added.After simply processing, non -cooked clean vegetable foods such as cleaning, peeling, and cutting, and staple foods such as fast -frozen rice foods, convenient foods, box lunch and other staple foods are not prefabricated.

  Earlier, more than 20 provinces have introduced their respective prefabricated dishes high -quality development related documents and local standards, but a national standard is a more complete and clear guiding significance for the industry.It can be said that the introduction of prefabricated vegetable national standards will help the industry’s standardization and promote the standardization of the industry, and supervision will also “have the law.”

  Prefabricated dishes have risen rapidly in recent years. Its concentrated production, simple heating, and uniform taste are suitable for fast -paced urban life and rapid expansion of the catering industry.According to data, the size of the prefabricated vegetable market in 2023 was 516.5 billion yuan, and more than 4,000 registered enterprises were added. The prefabricated dishes that “opened the country” showed huge industrial prospects.

  However, it should not be ignored that before that, the definition scope and safety standards of prefabricated dishes have not been clarified. The prefabricated dishes fail to get rid of the suspicion of the abuse of additives and preservatives.This also made prefabricated dishes labels in many places, “unhealthy”, “no nutrition”, etc., and even triggered a “anti -pre -production” emotion, and the industry prospects became no longer clear.

  Therefore, for an industry with such a huge volume, a nearly omnipotent food classification, industry specifications need to quickly replenish the position, which is also the background that notifications are introduced.

  Judging from the content of the notice, there are some responses to many social discussions.For example, the categories that have always been controversial about central kitchen and frozen food have been clearly clear, which is conducive to alleviating the mood of “pre -” color changes in the society.

  It is worth noting that the notification not only precisely defines the concept of prefabricated dishes, but also increases the threshold of prefabricated dishes, such as “no preservatives are allowed to be added.”On the one hand, this shows the industry’s emphasis on food safety and is in line with consumers’ pursuit of healthy food; on the other hand, the difficulty of developing production and storage and transportation of prefabricated vegetable products has increased, and higher requirements have been put forward by employees.

  At the same time, how to keep fresh and quality prepaid for prefabricated dishes may become a new topic.Some research institutions have pointed out that the processing of China’s prefabricated dishes is relatively late, and more than 70 % of the prefabricated vegetable processing enterprises are still small, weak, and scattered.So whether these small enterprises with decentralized distribution can fully achieve cold chain transportation and ensure food safety, they will also attract much attention.

  In this regard, the notice also has corresponding expressions, such as enhancing high -quality raw materials guarantee capabilities, improving the level of research and development of key technology innovation, and accelerating the application of advanced production technology and equipment.

  It can be seen that these have clarified the direction for the future development of prefabricated dishes. Prefabricated dishes cannot go to the pursuit of speed, sacrifice quality, pursuing convenience, sacrifice safety. On the contrary, we must continuously improve the level of technology and continuously improve the quality of the product, and then therebyRealize the industry’s overall quality upgrade and reputation.

  Objectively speaking, now, people are unlikely to completely refuse prefabricated dishes. The prefabricated dishes itself is a product of industrialized centralized production. It has improved the overall efficiency and scale of the catering industry geometrically.This is also the significance of the “high -quality development” in the notification. The potential of prefabricated dishes still needs to be excavated, and it should also be in a new stage of development.

  So, the important thing is to improve the transparency and reputation of prefabricated dishes, so that they can quickly become a “ordinary food” in terms of scale, quality, and public opinion acceptance.In this way, it is embedded in people’s life pictures in a more credible state.
According to the Beijing News

  3 tips to help you distinguish prefabricated dishes

  If you want to avoid eating prefabricated dishes as much as possible when you go out or order takeaway, you can look at these small methods below, and you may provide some help.

  1. Can it be customized according to the taste

  Generally speaking, the current fried dishes can be adjusted to a certain amount of adjustment according to the personal needs of customers, such as adjusting spicyness, not putting onion ginger garlic, and changing side dishes.The prefabricated dishes have been completed in advance, and it is difficult to adjust according to the needs of customers.

  2. Observe the speed of serving

  The current fried dishes generally require more time to prepare and cook, and if a restaurant can put a lot of dishes in a short time, it is likely to use prefabricated dishes.However, it is necessary to judge based on the busyness of the restaurant, and time can only be used as a reference factor.

  3. Observe the color and taste of the dishes

  Generally speaking, the color of the current fried ingredients is more bright, the texture of the meat is clearer, and some soup will be produced after frying, and the taste is better.comprehensive