Chinese Youth Newspaper: The high -quality development of young teachers in colleges and universities needs to break the "hidden barriers"

The high -quality university youth teachers are the cornerstone of building important talents in the world and innovation

The high -quality university youth teachers are the cornerstone of building important talents in the world and innovation highland. It is the key to advancing the education power and the modernization of Chinese -style country attaches great importance to the development of young teachers in colleges and universities.”Deepening the overall plan of education evaluation reform in the new era”, “Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Reform of the Construction of Universities Teachers in the New Era”, “Several Measures on Further Strengthening the cultivation and use of young scientific and technological talents”, etc.Increase support for young teachers of colleges and universities.

However, in practice, the high -quality development of young teachers in some colleges and universities still face many “hidden barriers”. Some deep -seated problems of the institutional mechanism have not been resolved, and the actual results of various support policies still need to be implemented.For example, at the beginning of the career of some young teachers of colleges and universities, at the beginning of the career, they must face the academic pressure of life pressure, subject declaration, and thesis publication, assessment and employment, and non -rising or so on.Many young teachers in colleges and universities have problems such as anxiety, frustration, and loss of distress.The causes of these problems are complex and profound, which determines that the solution of the problem not only requires the precise change of “surgery”, but also requires a systematic macro concept of high -house buildings to review the development of young teachers from universities from a multi -dimensional vision.

Young teachers in colleges and universities have multiple identities.First, college teachers are a profession.Like other types of occupations, college teachers are the products of division of labor in socialized production.Article 3 of the Teacher Law pointed out that teachers are professionals who perform their education and teaching responsibilities, assume the mission of teaching and educating people, cultivate the socialist business builders and successors, and improve their national qualities.Second, college teachers are an academic career.Academic occupations are a kind of professional profession. Its main mission is to continuously produce and spread knowledge through talent training, scientific research, and social services.Third, college teachers are organized academicians.Article 48 of the Higher Education Law stipulates that the employment system of teachers is implemented in colleges and universities, and the appointment of teachers in colleges and universities shall sign an appointment contract with the president of the higher school and the hired teacher.It can be said that without the organization of universities, there is no identity of college teachers. The development of colleges and universities is related to the personal development of college teachers.As a result, the high -quality development of young teachers in colleges and universities must make efforts from multiple dimensions such as personal development, academic development, and organizational development.

Pay attention to the personal development of young teachers.”Personal development” focuses on the development of young teachers of colleges and universities.It is no exception to settle his life, support his family, and make a for any worker when he enters the workplace.The survival and development of young teachers in colleges and universities faces multiple challenges.The Talent Development Committee of China Education Development Strategy Society in 2024 key topics “Chinese university academic talent development and evaluation tracking (CUSS)” research team investigated more than 10,000 college teachers in more than 150 universities across the country, of which under 40 years old, of which 40 were under 40 years old.More than 4,000 young teachers in universities.The investigation shows that “qualified assessment, can continue to stay in colleges and universities” and “higher income and better treatment” are the two major issues that young teachers interviewed by universities interviewed, accounting for 84%and 83%, respectively.Personal development guarantee issues such as low salary, difficulty in housing, anxiety of children’s education, excessive physical and mental stress, etc., are also common among young teachers in colleges and universities interviewed.Therefore, in the self -development dimension, it should be mainly from the perspective of the social survival and development of young teachers in colleges and universities, helping them to obtain adequate occupational security and career development services, win social respect and recognition, establish a high social reputation, consolidate a sense of gain, enhance improvementA sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Pay attention to the academic development of young teachers.The work of college teachers is based on knowledge, disciplines, and majors.Disciplines and academics are the foundation of university teachers.During this year, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng made clear states that “will increase support for young scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities, and start a long cycle, high strength, and stable support during the starting stage of the academic career.Talents dare to sit on cold bench and dare to break into uninhabited areas, producing important original and disruptive results. “Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the academic development of young teachers in colleges and universities, help them improve their ability to produce and create knowledge, discover and spread knowledge, help them get the recognition of academic peers in academic communities, and enhance their sense of accomplishment and academic reputation as scholars.

Pay attention to the development of young teachers.In addition to the identity of the scholar who belongs to the academic community, colleges and universities are also members of a certain institution.Organizing the development emphasizes the needs of colleges and universities as the responsibility of teachers, and must give priority to completing the three major functions of talent training, scientific research and social services in colleges and universities.In the development dimension of the organization, young teachers of colleges and universities are organized academic professionals. They belong to a tangible school or scientific research institution. They must complete the mission and tasks given by the organization.Organizational recognition should pay more attention to its contribution and influence to society and the country, and pay attention to how to enhance teachers’ sense of belonging and value to the country and nation.

The Ministry of Education and other six departments “Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Teachers Teachers in the New Era” proposed that it is necessary to build a platform for the development of teachers in colleges and universities to focus on improving the professional quality of teachers.Universities should improve the development system of young teachers, improve the series of systems such as training, guarantee, evaluation, and incentives of young teachers, and create a benign environment that is conducive to the sustainable development of young teachers.Only by examining the identity of young teachers from universities from multiple dimensions can we restore and show the panoramic view of college teachers, and provide accurate and powerful support for their development and progress, thereby helping the young teachers of colleges and universities to achieve high -quality development and education for education.The strategy of a strong country lays a strong foundation for talent.