Xinhua Health 丨 Focus on the newly consumer new version of "Health Management Blue Book" released

Recently, nearly a hundred experts and scholars of Two experts and scholars such as Zhongguancun Xinzhiyuan Health

Recently, nearly a hundred experts and scholars of Two experts and scholars such as Zhongguancun Xinzhiyuan Health Management Institute, Zhongnan University Health Management Research Center and Xiangya Third Hospital of Zhongnan University jointly completed the completionThe “Health Management Blue Book: China’s Health Management and Health Industry Development Report (2023-2024)” (hereinafter referred to as “Health Management Blue Book”) was released at the eighth China Child Health Management and Big Health Industry Summit.
Wu Jingxin, Dean of Zhongguancun Xinzhiyuan Health Management Research Institute and editor -in -chief of the “Blue Book of Health Management”, said in an interview with reporters that “Health Management Blue Book” is closely linked to the advantages of the new health consumption characteristics of different people in my country. For many aspects of the layout, a systematic analysis of the symbiotic development of new consumption and new health industries in my country has provided an important reference for studying China’s new health new consumption in the current stage of my country.
In recent years, with the upgrading of my country’s consumption structure, the improvement of the health awareness of residents, the concept of healthy life has become the mainstream of society, the development of health consumption has continued to speed up, healthy products and technology have continued to break through innovation, and the potential of healthy new consumer markets has begun to accelerate release.
Data show that from 2019 to 2023, the per capita medical care consumption expenditure of residents in my country is growing. The demand for health consumption in residents is changing from simple and single medical treatment to disease prevention, health care, and health promotion.
“Health Management Blue Book” pointed out that new consumer people include people with different ages, different social status, and different consumer concepts, such as the “Z era” young people, new middle class, new retired elderly, and small town youths.Consumption, health food and beverages, health home and environment, medical tourism and pension services.
“With the increasing penetration of digital technology, new consumption of health consumption has been activated and leading the digital transformation and innovative development of the health industry.” Wu Liuxin said that digital health (including digital health management, digital health platform, digital health insurance, digital medicine, digital digital, digital digitalDiagnosis and treatment, digital enterprise services, etc.) empower the digital economy and the widening track and the penetration rate of emerging industries.At the same time, new health consumption promotes the cross -border integration and coordinated development of the health industry, and the digital technology promotes the health service model.
The “Health Management Blue Book” believes that the development of healthy new consumption will show five trends: First, the consumption concept is becoming more rational and healthy, and the joint consumption model is gradually formed;Development; Third, the co -governance mechanism has improved, and the standards of the establishment of new consumption in the order are improved; the fourth is that the new consumer terminal is becoming more mature and popular, and 5G+smart health has accelerated the implementation of the implementation;The transformation continues to deepen.
To this end, “Health Management Blue Book” suggested to build a coordinated regulatory system, and optimize the development of new consumer development; increase infrastructure investment, promote the integration process of digital consumption and commodity circulation; promote institutional culture guidance, and actively establish “people -oriented”New health consumption concept; strengthen personal information security protection and establish consumer rational awareness of digital technology.
It is reported that “Health Management Blue Book” is a research and creative annual report on the development of China’s health management and health industry.Since its first publication in 2018, six departments have been published so far, and nearly 140 research reports have been included, which has had a wide range of impacts in the field of health management and the large health industry.(Reporter Deng Jie Hangzhou Report)
Responsible editor: Lang Jingjing