STEM education reform and innovation help China "talent dividends" release

Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, April 21 (Reporter Zhang Zhongkai, Li Jianping, Yang Xuan) In mid -April

Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, April 21 (Reporter Zhang Zhongkai, Li Jianping, Yang Xuan) In mid -April, Harbin has melted in snow and snow, entering the traditional tourist season, but the popularity of some card points is not of them.
The introduction of outstanding talents such as the two academicians of the walls, the dazzling big country heavyware physical models, and the student’s work with full sense of technology … The brand image platform of this century -old school is attracting more and more people, especially students, come here to appreciate the great powerHeavy weapon, feel the strength and charm of “cradle of engineers”.
“It’s too hard! It’s shocking and exciting. The country needs more such innovative achievements and talents of science and technology.” Said Huang Wen, a tourist from Hubei.
The picture shows on April 22, 2023, at the Stadium of Harbin Institute of Technology, the students of the SEEST Association discussed before the air model ignition the launch.Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Jianfei  China is a large population country and a great talent country. The total number of talents, the total number of human resources, and the total amount of R & D personnel in the world ranks first in the world.The continuously growing talent team of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has become an important force to promote China’s technological progress and economic development.
As a disciplinary integration education in the context of global education innovation and change, STEM education not only represents the field of science and engineering science and technology disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.teaching method.
Gong Ke, former chairman of the World Engineering Organization Federation, said that compared with the early days of reform and opening up, China’s current science and engineering education has undergone tremendous changes.
In recent years, for the new requirements of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes, China has increased the training of talents in talent training. China has increased STEM talent training and accelerate the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation talents.In 2023, the scale of enrollment of science and technology and medicine in master’s degree accounted for 60%, and the proportion of doctoral enrollment exceeded 80%.
As of the end of 2023, China has deployed 32 countries ‘excellent engineer colleges and 4 countries’ excellent engineers Innovation Research Institute.In early 2024, China held the “National Engineer Award” commendation conference for the first time. 81 “National Excellent Engineers” and 50 “National Excellent Engineers Team” won the highest honor in the field of engineering technology in China.
The picture shows the corner of the characteristic area of the 61st China Higher Education Expo held in Fuzhou on April 15.Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Shan Chuan Photo  Harbin Institute of Technology, which is committed to cultivating academic masters, engineering giants, industry leaders, and the pillar of governing the country, has always been an active explorer of China’s STEM education reform and innovation.
Zhao Yaqin, Executive Deputy Dean of Harbin Institute of Technology, introduced that the school has formed a talent training concept of “strong planting foundation, strengthening cross, focusing on integration, and encouraging innovation”.”The model of science and education, education, and education, consolidate the knowledge foundation of students’ innovation, and create a cultural atmosphere that encourages innovation.
“It can be clearly seen that students’ ability to solve complex problems is increasing, innovative enthusiasm is high, and many of the small satellites and robots they designed are very amazing.” Zhao Yaqin said.
At present, the International Institute of STEM Education is accelerating the landing in Shanghai. This is the 10th category of UNESCO established in the world and its first global category category outside Europe and the United States.Qin Changwei, Secretary -General of the National Committee of the United Nations Teaching and Sciences of China, said that international STEM Education Research is conducive to promoting China’s deepening of STEM education and teaching reform, and continuously improving the quality of scientific and technological innovation talents.
“The establishment of this platform will also help China and the international community to share the concepts and practice of Chinese STEM education, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese power to the development of global education.” Qin Changwei said.