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“Writing the script is similar to missionary in a sense -the practitioners firmly believe that the inspiration can be successful only without a

“Writing the script is similar to missionary in a sense -the practitioners firmly believe that the inspiration can be successful only without a solid foundation or professional skills.” —— Neil D. U.

As we all know, the reserve group is not only as simple as skilled in using rules and reading modules.Similar to film creation, the construction of the scene is to make players believe that they are in the virtual world in imagination.In order to obtain trust, assist players to build a studio in the brain, collect materials, and carry out evidence that it cannot be avoided.

The content of this column is derived from the Edo Diary of a Single Samurai Samurai. It is deleted after reading, and it is made of small copies of the food part of the ends of the Shogunate.(The column cover is derived from the movie “Changes of Snow” 1963)

  1 two 4 points 16 baht

6400 article 1 minute 4 baht

Silver 65 article 1600 article 1 baht

                Silver 16.3 text 400 article

                                    About silver 4 text silver 1 text

                                                        About 100 articles

1 Two = 6400 text = Silver 64 text

1 two = 4 points = 16 baht

Silver 1 Ling = 1000 text

Silver 1 text = 10 points

Convert to the current currency value

1 article = 20 yen

1 two = 128800 yen

1 point = 32,000 yen

1 baht = 8000 yen

Silver 1 text = 2,000 yen

蛸 蛸 蛸 蛸 

Laijiu and vegetables (octopus)

Stuffed cakes (a kind of fruit outside the red bean paste, a kind of rice cakes)

Tigo Yaori

Tiger house steamed buns (make skin with wheat flour or rice flour, wrapped in bean paste stuffing and steaming)

Whether you eat a boat/boiled boat: Located in the Fangfang, you will ferry between the upstream and downstream of Dianchuan.

Get recognition of the Shogunate and monopolize the sale of wine and food in the local area, so sometimes it is almost strong.

Whether to cake (bean paste) 

Eat tea bowl (cheap rice bowl used)

It is said that the quality of food sold is poor.

Yunzhu’s meal: Yun Xun refers to the hard work of raising the sedan seeds on the main road.

Yunzhu lunch: beef, grilled bran, pickled radish, braised soybean.The content is simple and cheap.The price is 22.

Erxuan Tea House


Grilled eel: The grilled eel is grilled with sauce.The grilled eel of the Edo wind will be steamed and removed, and the style of the Kyoka style is thick.

Egg (boiled eggs): It is said that the custom of eating eggs is brought by foreigners.

Wine (about 180 ml of wine) price 28 article

Cake house

Rice cakes: The rice cakes in Cake House Village are described as unsalite plums, which tastes no taste.Yanmei refers to the meaning of the taste of the food.

Caojin (located in the Different Points of near Jianguo, Donghai Road and Zhongshan Road)

传: Specialty, Legend has it that the hexagon Yoshiki was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga, and the Sun was entrusted to the nurses.Mother -in -law made rice cakes in her hometown and sold on the streets of trunk lines to feed the grandson of the hexagon Yixian.These years the pastry is cakes.Wrap the rice cake with red bean paste, and then put a small white rice cake on the bean paste.

Shinohara Village

Shino Pake: Specialty, rice cakes.

Wanghu House Wanghu Pavilion can overlook the scenery of Lake Biwa

Pinking cakes: specialty, rice cakes.It is said to be very delicious and also known as a folding cake.Tokugawa Mao has come here to eat.

Mu Zeng Road

Force cake

Hyundai Village (Shangsongchocho, Mu Zeng County, Nagano Prefecture): Village related to the legend of Pojima.

Sleeping buckwheat: specialty, both delicious and expensive.The price is 64.

New Tea House near Shangsong Station

Fern cakes: The specialty of Nika -Saka of Tokaido, semi -transparent fruits made of fern root starch, sprinkled soybeans on it.Because of the scarcity of fern, it was also made of Ge Fan.

Bald cake: Specialty of Ape Waid was.

Aoyu Village


Dried pepper fish (100 article)

碓 碓 碓 碓 岭 岭

Lingli: Very expensive, 55th.

Fried lotus root

Weishin wine: Bring by the southern barbarians, mixed with steamed glutinous rice in shochu, and then added with wine songs.There are also records in “Tai Pavilion”, called Weilinya.

Ba Ben Kimura

Fried taro steamed bun

Deep valley

Fried bun

No recorded location:


Udon noodle

Steamed catfish


Kyoka area

Both in Kyoto and Osaka are cooking at noon, and then stewed dishes or stewed fish for side dishes. With miso soup, there are two or three kinds of side dishes to eat together.


In contrast, in Edo, cook in the morning and eat with miso soup.At noon, it became a cold rice, and it was necessary to make vegetables or fish with vegetables or fish. Eat it with cold rice.In the evening, there are tea rice and pickles.However, some large restaurants in Edo will cook three times a day, and they will cook twice a day.

Symptoms, vinegar, miso, and dried salt, flavor, sugar or kelp, dried catfish.

Salt: Due to the conditions such as climate and rising tide, the Seto Inland Sea coastal coast of Seto is transported to Edo because the climate and tide are suitable for salt.

Soy Sauce: During the Paper (1716 ~ 1736), 780 % of the soy sauce of Edo is produced by the top.However, from the middle of the rivers and lakes to the late period of the rivers and lakes, the production of sauce and Noda’s soy sauce in the lower area began to gradually form.The soy sauce transported to Edo in the four years of Wenzheng (1822) was produced by 1.25 million, and only 20,000 bottles were produced by the top.Different from the soy sauce made from the Kanto area, unlike the soy sauce produced above, they use more wheat, so they are thick -mouth soy sauce with heavy flavor.

Miso: Different from different regions.There are white miso in Kyoto, Nagoya with Batin miso, and north of the Kanto region to use Mito to make miso, so most of them are salty miso with heavy salt.However, Edo also has less salt, reddish brown sweet miso.

Weishin: The Ruishan Miyuki Lishu is very famous.Pu roasted eel is made of flavor.

Grase: In the Edo period, through the Satsuma Fan, you can transport the black sugar produced by Amami and Ryukyu to Edo, but all of the white sugar and rock sugar rely on them.

Cherry miso

Add broken beef and ginger to the miso, and then add sweet bibimbap sauce that are mixed up with sugar and sugar.

The 8th ~ 50 texts are not waited. The most common article should be different from the price according to the amount of purchases.

Jinshan Temple miso

It is said that the monks from Zhejiang Provincial Temple in Zhejiang Province in China came to Japan, add melon, eggplant, ginger, and perilla to wheat miso.Finally add sugar and salt, and then fermented.


Tofu is a common cheap ingredient, and fried tofu and roasted tofu are cheap.

White tofu 30 article

Edo’s tofu is not as white as the tofu in the Kyoka area, and it is hard, and the taste is slightly.So white tofu may be the advanced tofu of Kansai wind,

The price is about six times that of fried tofu or roasted tofu.


Mix tofu and rice is tofu rice. Put the seasoning tofu on the bottom of the bowl and cover the rice on it.

Eight cups of tofu

Cut the tofu into slender strips and cook with a glass of wine, one glass of soy sauce and six glasses of water.It is also called Udon Tofu.

Puffed tofu

Crow the tofu and add eggs, stir well, and cook it.

Soup tofu

It is also called Tang Nu, which cut the tofu into a square shape. The shape is similar to the square coat coat coat of the kimono in the martial arts. Therefore, it is called Tang Nu.

The tofu that does not heal directly cold mixes is called cold slave.

Roasted tofu

Bake tofu with bamboo sticks.The tofu at the time was very hard, even if wearing bamboo stick tofu, it would not be broken.Because I often wear two bamboo sticks on the tofu, some people also use this to ridicule the samurai, and the warrior is called roast tofu.(Because the samurai is equipped with two knives, here is a tofu that looks like wearing two bamboo sticks.)

Miso Tianle Tofu

Spread the roasted tofu with miso and bake it again, which is miso field music tofu.

Snow cauliflower 4

Snow cauliflower is leftover when making tofu, that is, tofu residue, which is both cheap and nutritious.

Garden tofu

After baking the tofu worn on the bamboo stick, apply the grinding miso sauce, and then sprinkle with Daoming Temple powder.


Carefully use the expensive fruits made of high -quality white sugar or rock sugar.When the subordinate samurai visits the high -level samurai, he will buy a letter of hand.The cost of gifts in the book is 1,19 money.

Bun & Cake Fruit

Most of the steamed buns are made of noodles with powder, and then wrapped with bean stuffing and finally steamed, and the cake is often steamed with glutinous rice first, and then adult cakes.

Peony cake

Cook the japonica and glutinous rice, put it in the manto with a pestle, and simply grind it. This state becomes “half -kill”.

The peony cake is stuffed with grinding glutinous rice, and then sticks to the sweet little beans that have been cooked on the surface.Or sprinkle with soybeans.

Most of the ordinary peony cakes are made of black sugar, but they can also eat peony cakes made of white sugar.

The female official in the court said that the peony cake was “萩.”

Tie Peony Cake 

The small peony cakes made of small beans, yellow noodles, and sesame seeds are famous products of Edo.

In the first year of Anzheng (1854), a rumor appeared, saying that after eating peony cakes, it would not be attacked by the spirit of the summer.Therefore, a large number of people embraced the fruit shop to buy peony cakes, and each of them made them. The glutinous rice and white rice in the rice shop in Edo were sold out of stock.


Use wheat powder as the raw material, spread it baked thinly, put on the bean paste filling and stack it into a square fruit.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato steamed bun

Fried sweet potato steamed buns

Cherry cake

The cherry cake was invented by the staff in the Changchu Temple near Sumida.First, use salt to pickle cherry leaves, and then wrap the rice paste stuffing rice cake in the salted cherry leaves.

In the Edo era, two cherry leaves are used, and now three pieces are used.The cherry leaves used here are the leaves of the Sakura Tree.

Sakura leaves are salty, and they are particularly delicious when they are put into the mouth with the sweet bean paste.However, many people peel off the cherry leaves and taste the fragrance of the cherry leaves immersed in the cake.

Asamantic cake

Thunder rice cake

After baking rice bars and baking, mix with syrup, sugar, peanuts, etc., and cut into pieces made of rice.

Rice bun

One is made of rice noodles into rice -shaped and fruit.When you sell it in the store, you must also put it in Bian Huan to sell along the street.


A fruit made of sweet boiled beans on rice cakes is also a very famous famous Edo.

According to legend, Xiaosongwu, who lives in the bridge head of the two countries, married the Yoshihara girl who had fallen into the dust as his wife. The wife was ordered to call several generations. Therefore, the wife named this fruit with the name of his wife. The couple sold the cake together.Many people look at how many generations look like for curiosity, so they have attracted many guests.

Concentrated fruit

Now there are things called crafts, or sugar art, which is to carve the fruits into full cherry blossoms, or the shape of the crane, and even make a float with fruits.

There are some fruit shops to decorate the crafts fruit in the shop.


Quail cake

The two ends with the stuffing are slightly rounded cakes, white, and the coke color formed when it is baked, like quail eggs.


The small round cake made of rice noodles looks like pearls.

Golden group

Boil sweet potatoes and make fillings with sugar, and then mix into the sweet fruits made of chestnuts.




Use abalone and other materials to suppress a flat -shaped fruit.

sweet potato 

Always (3750 grams) 50 article.

Taro pupae

Taro is cooked with chestnuts and sugar in Ryukyu taro (that is, sweet potato). After cooling, cut into pieces.4 article.

Steamed sweet potato


Tea porridge, breakfast, porridge cooked with tea soup, sometimes put sweet potatoes in.


You can mix sweet potatoes into the assorted rice. 200 texts (about 750 grams) sweet potatoes are equivalent to Sihe rice, which is delicious and saved for the samurai.

Roasted sweet potato

“Shouzhong Draft” mentioned that there are a lot of sweet potatoes in Kyoto and Osaka, but almost all of them are roasted sweet potatoes in Edo.In the surrounding area, most of them shouted “hot and hot” to sell sweet potatoes on the streets, but Edo did not see the flow stall selling sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are different in Kanto and Kansai. It is called Bali and a half in Edo, and it is called thirteen miles in Kyosaka.


When making eels, you can make white steamed eels, and you can add cold and cold. There are various methods. The most common in daily life is Pu burned.

Clicp for the eel, remove the bone head, and grill the eel after brushing the soy sauce.

Pu burning this method is also used to make sea eel, catfish, wolf tooth eel.

When Edo is burned, it will be grilled once on the bamboo stick, steam it first, remove excess oil, and then brush the sauce for secondary baking.

The sauce is added to the Vancouver’s favorite sugar, and finally the taste is not only oily, but also the aroma is fragrant and the taste is better.


The sea eel can be steamed, stewed, or making sushi materials. It is also a very popular fish. It can catch a lot of delicious sea eels in Edo offshore.

In addition to Edo offshore, high -quality sea eels can also be caught in the Seto Inland Sea, so Hiroshima’s sea eel sushi is mostly famous.

Wolf tooth eel

Fish similar to sea eel and eels and wolf tooth eels.In the Edo period, there are also steaming eels to camouflage into eels. It seems that eels are more expensive than sea eel.

Western Japan can capture a large number of wolf tooth eels, so the conditioning method of making wolf tooth eel in Kyoto Osaka is very developed. It is embellished with plum meat to eat wolf tooth eel and falling meat.Shabu -shabu, bake the wolf tooth eel skin and mix cucumber.However, there are many fine spines in Wolf tooth, and you must remove it carefully when you eat it.In addition, Wolf tooth eel can also make fish cake raw materials.


Put the entire loach in the pot and cook it with miso and soy sauce. It is called “pill cooking”.General loach soup 16 texts, a bowl of pills, pills are 48.

Liquor pot

Remove the head, bones, and internal organs of loach, and then dissected, add beef slices, put it in the casserole and cook it with flavored and soy sauce, and finally embellish eggs.The price is up to 200 money.

It is said that starting from the years of the Cultural and political years (1818), a person named Wanwu sells soups made of loach cooked from the head, bone, and internal organs in the southern Martye Machu Machu.

Later, in the early years of Tianbao (1830), there was a shop named Liuchuan in Tongpengcho, Yokoyama, which made this kind of loach soup popular.

During the Edo period, the shops selling loach also sold catfish pots, puppets, and eel pots.

When making loach, it is generally made of shabu -shabu or soup, and there are also loach stewed porridge.In addition, there are relatively uncommon practices that will make loach into sushi.

The sushi made of loach is the same as the catfish sushi. It is a “cooked sushi”. The fish is buried in the rice for fermentation.

A large amount of loach can be caught in summer. The loach curled up in the bottom of the dried water canal in winter is “cavity loach”, which is superior.

Buckwheat noodle 

Made of the fruit shop, make cake -shaped with hot water and buckwheat flour, and can be eaten with soy sauce or sauce.

Spread the buckwheat with hot water, and then put it on the steamer. It is called steamed buckwheat.Putting the buckwheat noodles on the steamer is the relic of Edo in the early days of Edo, and the buckwheat around the Kyosaka will be used with a plate.

Royal Dian Big Steamed 48 Text 80 Text

Use the large surface of the superior steamer.

Buckwheat noodles 16 article

It can be a buckwheat soup noodle with soup, or dipping juice buckwheat noodles without soup dipped in sauce.

Extra 16 articles

Cake buckwheat 24 article

The cake refers to the food made of rice cakes into small pieces, and sometimes adds beans to make snacks.The buckwheat noodles and various small pieces of ingredients are collectively referred to as cake buckwheat.The ingredients are not necessarily rice cakes, or they may be cut into pieces of fish shells.

Toba Buckwheat 32 article 64 article

Assorted juice buckwheat noodles 100 article

Hua Jiao Bobwheat 24th article

Put a buckwheat noodle with crushing seaweed.

Zhuo Hua Buckwheat 24 article

Buckwheat noodles with radish, carrot and other dishes.

Gaomen Buckwheat 32 article


Put the Udon Noodles in the miso soup, and the subordinates who were referenced by the diary in the book were evaluated as a samurai like a samurai like him, but a servant to serve the martial arts.

Assorted sushi 100 ~ 150 article

“Shouzhen Draft” records that assorted sushi is the alias of loose sushi. In the sushi rice with vinegar, add shiitake mushrooms, egg rolls, purple fur, perilla buds, lotus root, bamboo shoots, abalone, shrimp, and vinegar, and vinegar with vinegar, and vinegar.The marinated raw fish is chopped in the rice, then mixed in the rice, then put into the large bowl, and finally embellished the cut egg shreds.

In Heshan and Tokushima, the savage side dishes used for assorted rice are called “add medicine”. It is a word from the Kansai area.Chicken cake or rice.

Cooked sushi

The salted fish buried in rice, less for several months, as many as three years. Doing fish will not rot, but it will increase amino acids and make it taste better.

In addition, rice is naturally fermented in this process, so the fish will become sour.Therefore, it is said that sushi was originally written as “sour”.Such sushi is called cooked sushi.

In the early days of the Edo period, it began to make fresh -cooked sushi with a relatively short pickled time. Later, during the Bao calendar (1751 ~ 1764), it invented the practice of mixing vinegar into rice, which was called “premature sushi”.

Pledged sushi

Put the rice in the wooden box, then spread the fish, and then suppress it with a pressure plate.Before the sushi appeared, the pledged sushi was very common.

Holding sushi

The nigmical sushi was produced in Edo during the period of Wenzheng (1818 ~ 1839). On the vinegar rice that was gripped with my hands, put the egg rolls or fish and shellfish, and made a nipple sushi.

The materials used in sushi are called “sushi species”, mostly from the “front” prescriptions of Edo, that is, fish or shellfish captured in Edo Bay. Therefore, it is now called “Edo Sushi”.

“Shouzhong Draft” mentioned a variety of sushi materials, including “chicken eggs, shrimp, shrimp pine meat, white fish, tuna body, tunae, long -bodied sweet -boiled sea eel”, which is basically no different from now.In addition, it is also written that when eating sashimi or young sushi, you will put the sunflower between rice and sushi.Also, the sushi ginger made of new ginger was salted with vinegar, which is the same as it is now.When the packaging sushi takes the take -out, the leaves of large leaves were used at the time.The price of sushi is 1 to one to 8 texts, and the egg roll is 16 money.There are also many stores for sale for gifts or hospitality, but more are cheap nipple sushi sold on the roadside stalls.


In the past, the Japanese did not have the habit of eating four -legged animal meat.However, although it is taboo to eat meat, it is actually occasionally eating wild pork and venison to nourish and healthy.

This kind of meat was called “medicine” at the time.The meat -selling shop is called “Beast House”. These shops usually write on the signboards to refer to wild boars.

At that time, folk hidden language was commonly known as wild pork as “peony” and venison was “red leaves”.

Usually marinate with miso or sauce and simmer with green onions, and use iron pots.


At the end of the scene, meat is more popular than we imagined. There are more shops selling meat.

In the Edo period, the pot is a kind of cooking with miso and soy sauce to taste stewed fish or chicken and cooking while cooking.

Yellow chicken pot

Cooking chicken and green onions with miso and soy sauce together.

In “The Story of Cooking” (published in 1643), the name of eighteen poultry was given.They are cranes, swans, geese, ducks, child, long -tailed pheasant, black water chicken, gray -headed wheat chicken, heron, night heron, quail, lark, pigeon, pigeon, chicken, sparrow and chicken.In the past, Japan did not have the habit of eating chicken. Later, it gradually became popular. In the Edo period, it was written into a cooking book.

The highest specifications in the Edo period are cranes, and they will appear in the official cuisine of people with identity and other people.But usually everyone likes poultry duck meat.

By the way, the bird shop in the Edo period, that is, selling pet birds, also sells meat poultry.


There are many types of pigeons. In the Edo era, “real pigeons” are suitable for consumption.There is a black line behind the neck, which belongs to a bead pigeon.When making, it is usually soup, stewed or baked.

There is also a method called “pigeon wine”.Apply the pigeon’s bones and meat to the meat, roast it until it is yellow -brown, and stew with wine with miso, and then sprinkle with pepper or pepper to eat.

Sturmail (thick flavor soup)

Dilute the miso in the manto and add the wine before adding the wine, then apply it evenly on the pigeon meat that has been smashed.You can also put more miso.It is better to add peppercorns when eating.

Clam pot


Big geese is a poultry that has been boarded on the table since ancient times. The cooking book “The Story of the Cooking Story” in the early days of the Edo period lists various conditioning methods, writing “soup, birds, fried birds, skin fried, raw skin, sashimi, skewers, skewers, skewers, skewers, skewersBoil, boil, drink and others “.The geese pot should be made of soup base with soy sauce or miso, and then put in big geese and vegetables.

Shouxi pot

Put beef and green onion, as well as vegetables such as gangsters, put them into a thin iron pot together, use soy sauce, sugar and wine, and season the food while seasoning.In the fourth year of Yingqing (the first year of the Meiji), meat has been popularized.

Xiaodou Sauce 16 Text

The small bean sauce is made of small pieces of rice cakes made of rice cakes made of sweet soup made of small beans.There is also a similar food called “good”.At that time, the small bean sauce powder was not clear for seasonal, and it was eaten in summer.

Shanyao 16 text

The goodness mentioned in Kyoto and Osaka is to marinate with black beans that cannot be peeled with black sugar, and then add small pieces of round rice cakes to cook.

The small bean juice powder that is eaten in the rivers and lakes is peeling the red bean. It is said that it is said to be the “lower product” in white sugar. It is estimated that it is cheaper white granulated sugar or black sugar.The square cut rice cake is made.


That is, the stems of the taro plant are also called taro shells. After drying, the taro stems are often used for stewed dishes, but raw taro stems have a flavor.

After simply simmering the raw taro stems to remove the fishy fish, make a light soup, and then put some grinding ginger, which can make people forget the hot summer heat.


Fresh catfish are suitable for sashimi or washing sashimi, and can also be roasted and braised salt.Make grilled fish, fried fish, or make sushi and catfish bibimbap.

Washing sashimi is a method of sashimi. Wash the fat and fishy smell on the fish with flowing water or warm water, then immerse in cold water to shrink, and finally remove the water to make a sashimi.

The rare approach is “catfish umbilical” or “abacus bead”.The stomach muscles of the catfish are very developed. The outer shape of the gastric pylorus is like a navel. It is delicious to bake this part with salt, or marinate and then bake.

Catfish is a kind of “born fish”. There are different names in different periods, and the names of various places are not the same, but in general, 3 cm long catfish is called “Xiaobai”.”Numerous”, “Walking curtain”, “Rice Fish” about 30 cm, and more than 30 cm adult fish is catfish.It is called “catfish” when it grows to 70 ~ 80 cm.

Edo’s curtains began to lift the ban from the mountain king festival and the Kandian festival on June 15, and became more delicious in September.


The method of boiling catfish with salt water is called “tide cooking.”The so -called tide cooking refers to the stewed dishes with salt to marinate the fish and shells into the taste.

In the previous cooking book, it was written on the beach to boil sea brewing.Use fish heads, fish miscellaneous and bone fish to make soup base to make salty and delicious fish soup.

The most commonly used fish is sea bream. In addition, it can also use a variety of fish such as sea bass, cod or fish.Sometimes you can also put clams or other shellfish.

Banquet of Mitsui Family

The tadpole flavor of the soup and the small vegetables before the wine is fish cake. The assorted platter (contains taro, chestnuts, yam, egg rolls, catfish sashimi, scallops, raw sea moss and radish) fish cake flavor soup, celery, shiitake mushrooms, fish cake cakes, fish cake cakes, fish cake cakes, fish cake cakes, fish cake cakes, Global, with rice.Finally, the fruit is used as a souvenir.

Banquet 2 of Mitsui Family

Fish cake flavor soup, platter (fish cake, young catfish, shiitake mushrooms, yam, celery) and tea rice rice.

A feast of Kiyomi Ono Tomo

The wine is the air -dried bamboo catfish, mullet seeds, stone bass, taro and sweet boiled vegetables.

Loach pot.

A celebration of celebrations, performances, rewarding red bean rice.

There are some side dishes in Chidou rice: three sections of carrots, two sections of fish cakes, and konjac.

The banquet of the main house

The wine is fried onion and fried tofu, and the rice cake is cake.


There will be a store pre -stored to each samurai to do the rice. If there is an incomplete share, there will be surplus to be exchanged for cash.


Laundry 20 article

Braning bag

Clean your body.Make a small bag with cotton or silk, put on rice bran, massage and rub on the body when taking a bath, which is equivalent to the current soap.

Chilly noodle

Stewed sardine

Miso soup

In the past, there would be a residue of rice grains or bean grains in miso, so when making miso soup, be sure to grind miso with a mantle.

Visit the snack of buying in the Yudang Mountain

Cooked chestnut



Oil bean skin sea sushi

Grilled squid

Po -roasted tofu


Boiled house

When the famous names boarded Edo City and worshiped General Edo, when the protagonist entered Edo City, other family member attendants had to wait for the big door or in front of Sakuada Gate.

A considerable number of family members are waiting for the protagonist’s return, so many businesses sell their products to them.Those who sell boiled vegetables are called “boiled houses”.

They can open store sales with simple equipment.Most of them are picking food with flat loads, standing and selling on the streets. The main products include Tianda, Ganjiu, sake, sushi, the fruits made by themselves, and so on.

“Wu Jian”

The book records the names and family emblems of the masters of various famous masters, their territories and houses, as well as the names of their Fu family and other ministers, as well as the shape of the guns raised when the team entered.

Cake flower

Put a variety of small glutinous rice cake cakes on the willow branches and make a flower branch -like decoration.


Corn cake

Pickled radish

This radish cuts the radish “extremely slender”, and then hangs a long (1.8 -meter) radish on the eaves or branches, so it is also called white -haired radish.It is a radish eaten in a tea shop.


The sashimi is decorated with chrysanthemums, white radish mud, cucumber and sunflower.


At the end of the scene, there are not only traditional doctors, but also amateur doctors, but also western medicine.

Heating medicine

Wolfberry bud

Fuji Mountain Anti -fever

Half -monthly collapse

It is said that in the dialect of Heshan, the fish cake is called “collapse”.In addition, the fish cake without wooden boards or bamboo tube is also called “collapse”.


Pour the egg liquid into the pot a little, and roll it while frying.It may also be a food that is rolled up and rolled on the thin egg cake, and then steamed.


“Frozen” can refer to a variety of foods. Generally speaking, it is to dissolve agar or pink. After adding various ingredients, the foods made of solidified, also known as “boiled”, or “cold days”.

Sugar -boiled yam (potato)

Taro Miso Soup


Tea rice

The Edo Shogunate stipulates five solar terms, namely the day of the day (7th day of the first month), Shangyi Festival (Daughter Day, March 3), Dragon Boat Festival (May 5th), Qixi Festival (July 7) andChongyang Festival (September 9).

Qixi Noodles

At that time, you must eat vegetarian noodles. The method of plain noodles is to add water and salt to the wheat powder carefully, apply vegetable oil, repeatedly stretch and pull, and then dry the open air.When making noodles, boil the noodles first, then dip the sauce; or cook the plain noodles after the water is boiled with miso soup and soy sauce.The latter approach is called “entering the noodles” or “cooking noodles”. In the cold winter of Edo, people who pick up the night eagle buckwheat at night will also sell this plain.

Moon Seeing Tuanzi

The night of August 15th was to thank the harvest in the field.On this day, we must use Miscanthus and Yue to see the moon.

In addition, on August 15th, we must worship taro, and on September 13th (13 nights), beans will be worshiped. Therefore, August 15th is also called “taro name month”. September 13th is also called “Dou Mingyue”.

In Edo, every family grinds rice into rice noodles. After combining, the ball is steamed into a round pan into a ball, and the moon is worshiped on the fifteenth night.

In addition, most people or businesses will make everyone’s portion according to the amount of 15 small groups per person, and then distribute them to everyone or the buds in the store.

Because the size and shape are similar to the musket, this kind of group is also called “iron cannon jade”.

The phrase “Sixteen Night Wind, Soy Sauce Jiaoxiang” Sichuan Liu said that the next day everyone fried the remaining dumplings, so the scorched flavor of soy sauce floating around the street.

Edo’s monthly group, the size is different from Kyoto, Osaka.In Edo, the ball -shaped ball -shaped balls are made, and the larger ones are three inches and five points (about 10 cm).

The small ones are more than two inches (about 6 cm).Edo’s dumplings are rounder, while Kyoto and Osaka’s dumplings are “pointed into small taro.”

Seven grass porridge

January 7th is the day of people.Seven grass porridge is cooked with seven kinds of spring vegetables. Usually, cress, amaranth, rats, grass, goose sausage (ductive), Baogai grass, vine, and radish.

Food of Shangyi Festival

Eat grass cakes, diamond cakes, or clams.

Dragon Boat Festival food

To eat cypress cakes or rice dumplings.

Chongyang Festival food

Eat chestnuts and chrysanthemum wine.


Edo’s wine is moved from the area of Osaka Ikeda or Kobe Dongtan District.

Fire wine: that is, the current roastment, distilled wine with high alcohol content.The price is low.

Ganjiu 8 text (one bowl)

First make the rice into porridge, then add a little cooling, and add the song. While it has not fermented, it made the sweet wine that can be drunk. There are also grains or more sweet gram -flavored sweet wine in Ganjiu.Because Ganjiu can be made soon, it is also called “one night wine”.

White jade water

In summer, there were people who dressed very coolly on the road, called “Hou Erliang, Hou Er Liang” selling water, a glass of water 4 text money.Bai Tuanzi.The cup of water is often made of brass or pottery.

Wheat soup

After frying the barley with the shell, boil it after frying it. Although it is called soup, it is also drinking after cooling, which is also the so -called barley tea.

Ge Tang

It is also made of ge powder and sugar in hot water, and it is also cool and drink.

From the beginning of the Edo period to the middle to the middle, it is not only wine, salt, soy sauce, silk -made Wu clothing and Taewa (clothes made of cotton or hemp).Edo comes.These things are called “downlink products”.

At that time, what was produced in the suburbs of Edo at that time was called “real estate products”. Compared with high -quality downside products, the quality was relatively inferior, so it also became “nothing.”

But with the development of the times, the quality of real estate products is getting better and better, and the downward products on the market are gradually expelled.The best examples are the soy sauce produced by Grasson and Noda.However, Edo Real Estate’s wine is not as good as liquor for a long time. Therefore, until the late Edo period, millions of bottles of downward wine were transported to Edo.

The reason why the downward wine is better is because the technique of making wine above has been innovated.During the process of winemaking, the rice should be brushed, and the temperature of 30 ~ 32 degrees Celsius is most suitable for glycated reactions.

So summer is a peak period for wine making.However, such laws will bring bacteria, resulting in sour taste.Therefore, the “cold creation” method was studied later,

In winter, it is cold but not prone to mixed bacteria. It is “cold” slowly brewing in winter.Later, the high -precision rice was used to create a “Beach Sheng” without impurities.

Unlike turbid wine, when drinking sake, everyone is more willing to drink instead of drinking cold.Therefore, at the beginning, heated the wine directly with an iron pot. After the middle of the Edo, he should be placed in a metal container called a hot saucepan, then poured into a mule pot with a handle, then poured intoDrink in the cup.In addition, sometimes pour directly from the hot jug to the cup.

However, in 1860, it was mainly used to pour wine into Deli bottle with some small pottery, and then immersed Deli bottle into hot water. This is more common.

Conclusion: In “Edo Diary of a Single Single Samurai”, the life of a subordinate warrior at the end of the scene is described in detail.Read.