Faced with hundreds of global business leaders, Li Qiang promised to open the link world at a higher level

As China has become more urgent to attract foreign capital, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang shouted t

As China has become more urgent to attract foreign capital, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang shouted to hundreds of global business leaders, emphasizing that China’s macro policy still has sufficient space, and promised to steadily advance the system of institutional types, and continuously open the link world at a higher level of open link worldEssence

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang gave a keynote speech on the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the high -level forum in China on Sunday (March 24) that China overcome internal and external challenges in the past year to complete the main goal of economic and social development throughout the year; China’s economy has long been better for a long timeThe fundamentals have not changed.

The official has not yet published the full text of Li Qiang’s speech.According to Bloomberg, Li Qiang admitted in his speech that Chinese domestic demand is still insufficient, and the outside world pays more attention to the risk of the real estate market and local debt.However, he believes that some difficulties and problems are not as serious as some people think, and measures for the launch of the property market and local debt have also achieved positive results.

Li Qiang added that China’s current price level is low, and the central government’s debt ratio is not high, providing sufficient space for increasing macro policies.

The Chinese government announced earlier this month that this year has issued an ultra -long -term special government bond for several consecutive years.Bloomberg quoted Li Qiang that special Treasury bonds issued by 1 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, ST 188.9 billion) issued this year will set up a fund for stimulating investment and steady growth.

According to the Nanhua Morning Post, the Chinese government is carefully studying how to solve the concerns of market access, open bidding and cross -border data flow.Li Qiang said that some problems have been basically solved, and some problems are still studying plans to ensure proper resolution.

Two days before the opening of the forum, the National Internet Information Office of China issued the “Provisions on Promoting and Standardizing Data Cross -border Migraphics” on Friday (22nd) to relax cross -border data flow management.

According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce of China on the same day, in the first two months of this year, China’s actual use of foreign capital was 215.19 billion yuan, a decrease of 19.9%year -on -year, and it has declined for eight consecutive months.Last year, the actual amount of foreign investment in China decreased by 8 % year -on -year.

Li Qiang said that China will continue to build a first -class business environment in marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, further deepen the reform of key areas and key links, and strive to improve the effectiveness of government services, protect the legitimate rights and interests of various enterprises in accordance with the law, steadily promote institutional openness, and continue to continue.At a higher level of open link world.

About 400 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, entrepreneurs, government officials, and international organization representatives attended the opening ceremony.Morgan Stanley Chairman Raki, former Asia, who has finished playing in Hong Kong.

In his speech, Golkaya pointed out that China can drive the real economy by 20%through the market reform, but this requires the government to solve real estate problems and reduce local debt risks.

The annual China Development High -level Forum is a rare open interactive platform for foreign business leaders and high -level Chinese government.According to the official list, a total of 82 foreign entrepreneurs attended the forum this year, more than 69 last year.One -third (29) from American companies, nine more than last year.

It was previously reported that Li Qiang may break the tradition of 20 years and will not talk to business leaders on the forum this year.Chinese President Xi Jinping may meet with American entrepreneurs after the two -day forum.

On the eve of the opening of the forum, Chinese senior management showed a friendly attitude towards foreign companies in various ways.When Xi Jinping inspected in Changsha, Hunan last week, he visited the Bassov Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd., which was in the Sino -German joint venture; Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, also met with more than 10 foreign executives in the past three days.