Diwali Shopping Guide (according to your zodiac sign)


Renowned astrologer Parduman Suri shares exclusive insights and customized tips for each sign of the zodiac to help you bring prosperity and positivity this Diwali.


Place a triangular red cloth by your pillow for 40 days to increase task completion.
Donate red clothes to charity to attract good luck.
Avoid buying sharp items like knives and scissors.


Gaze at a bowl of mustard oil on Saturday and offer it to the Shani temple to enhance good luck.
Purchase of clay pots or other items made of clay will bring wealth and abundance.
Avoid buying black clothes or items as they may bring negative energy.

Diwali Shopping Guide (according to your zodiac sign)


Avoid receiving glass gifts and if you do, share them with others to impart positive energy.
Purchase yellow or green clothes or items as these colors are associated with wealth and prosperity.
Avoid buying overly expensive items as they could put a strain on your finances.


Add a few drops of Ganges water to your bathtub and avoid bathing barefoot in the shower.
Purchase white clothing or items as this color is associated with purity and peace.
Avoid buying overly ornate or exaggerated items as they may attract unwanted attention.


Donate black sesame seeds and be careful what you say.
Purchase clothes or items in orange or red, as these colors are associated with strength and confidence.
Avoid purchasing oversized or heavy items as they may be difficult to maneuver.


Keep your inner thoughts to yourself, avoid conflict and throw seven dry coconuts into running water.
Purchase clothing or items in green or blue, as these colors are associated with harmony and balance.
Avoid buying overly delicate or fragile items as they may be easily damaged.


Feed the bull some coarse sugar and choose your words wisely to sweeten the deal.
Purchase pink or white clothing or items as these colors are associated with love and relationships.
Avoid purchasing items that are too revealing or exciting, as they may draw unwanted attention.


Enhance your Diwali experience by bathing in rose water.
Purchase clothes or items in red or black as these colors are associated with passion and mystery.
Avoid purchasing overly bright or flashy items as they may be overwhelming.


Chant Hanuman Sutra and apply saffron after bathing for good aura.
Buy yellow or orange clothes or items as these colors are associated with optimism and abundance.
Avoid buying overly expensive or meaningless items as they may lead to financial difficulties.


Don’t bring broken umbrellas into your home and stay away from alcohol, meat and lies.
Buy black or brown clothes or items as these colors are associated with stability and grounding.
Avoid buying items that are too trendy or fashionable, as they could go out of style quickly.


Watch your words, avoid arguments and surprise your partner with a thoughtful gift.
Purchase clothes or items in blue or purple, as these colors are associated with intellect and creativity.
Avoid buying overly practical or boring items as they may not bring you much pleasure.


Put broken items outside, reduce spices in your meals and enjoy a peaceful Diwali.
Buy white or green clothes or items as these colors are associated with peace and harmony.
Avoid buying items that are too loud or bustling as they can be overwhelming.
By following these simple astrological tips, you can create a Diwali celebration that is both harmonious and prosperous. May Diwali bring you joy, abundance and good fortune!

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