The four major directions drive environmental monitoring and development of Wanyi Technology to build a beautiful Chinese dream

——The Vice President of Wanyi Science and Technology and General Manager of the Environmental Division Zang Hui”Anhui Yi actively responded to gove

——The Vice President of Wanyi Science and Technology and General Manager of the Environmental Division Zang Hui

“Anhui Yi actively responded to government call, followed the policy requirements, accelerated the construction of a modern ecological environment monitoring system, and constructed a beautiful China.”Zang Hui, vice president of Yiyi Science and Technology and general manager of the Environmental Division, said in an interview with the chemical instrument network.

On January 11, 2014, the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Construction of Beautiful China” was released.Opinions focus on the target path, key tasks, and major policies of the construction of beautiful China, and deploy key tasks such as accelerating the development of green transformation and continuous in -depth promotion of pollution prevention.The comprehensive promotion of the construction of beautiful China has put forward stricter requirements for environmental monitoring.

As an outstanding enterprise in the field of environmental monitoring, how will Wanyi Technology meet the continuous evolution of market demand in the new journey of ecological civilization?In this interview, Zang Hui combined with the current development of Wanyi Technology to explain the company’s strategic layout in the field of environmental monitoring, demonstrate Wanyi Technology’s confidence in future development, and promote the construction of ecological civilization and build a beautiful China.

Technology innovation root plant deep accumulation

Looking forward to the future, we need to be based on the present and take root in reality.Since its establishment in 2003, Wanyi Technology has successfully constructed four core sectors of industrial intelligent leakage, industrial and environmental monitoring, laboratory analysis instruments, and life science instruments.Over the years, the exploration and practice in different fields has caused Wanyi Technology to have accumulated rich scientific research experience, and has created a solid foundation for technology research and development.

At present, the number of R & D of Wanyi Technology accounts for nearly 40 %, half of which have masters or doctoral degrees.These high -end talents have injected powerful endogenous motivation into Wanyi Technology.At the same time, Wanyi Technology’s emphasis on R & D has never been lax, as Zang Hui said: “We have always adhered to the strategy of research and development innovation and product leading. In recent years, we have continued to increase R & D investment, and the annual investment investment accounts for 20 % of revenue.”

This powerful R & D strength is a strong backing of the development of Wanyi Technology’s business.In the Ministry of Industry and Environmental Division, Wanyi Technology has deeply cultivated the four major fields of the atmospheric environment, the water environment and the online monitoring of the pollution sources, and the process analysis. It has achieved remarkable results in each field.For example, in terms of atmospheric monitoring, Wanyi Technology has independently developed air quality monitoring products such as conventional six -parameter air stations, micro air stations, and VOCS monitoring equipment; in terms of industrial analysis, Wanyi Technology will analyze technologies, information software technology, dataOptimization and integration of collection and communication technology, system integration technology and user business processes.

At this year’s China International Environmental Protection Exhibition, Wanyi Technology held “Technology -driven Green Intelligent Creation Wanyi to help beautiful China -Wanyi Technology Environmental Products Conference”, and officially launched two new products in the field of water environmental monitoring and pollution sources.——The new generation of water quality online automatic monitoring series products and LG8,000 -adjustable laser gas analyzers, provide technical support for continuous and in -depth promotion of pollution prevention.This is not only the latest technology crystallization of Wanyi Technology, but also a strong proof of its continuous innovation and pursuit of excellence in the field of environmental monitoring.

WisdomThe scheme helps the dual carbon target achievement

The goal of “double carbon” is not only an important part of comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China, but also a solemn commitment made by my country to the international community.Wanyi Science and Technology has insight into the development trend of carbon monitoring. It has deployed the field of carbon monitoring many years ago -in 2014, Wanyi Technology undertakes the national science and technology support plan “Key Technology and Equipment for Laser Laser Monitoring”.The TDLAS analyzer that has been successfully developed by the single -road multi -temperate gas parameters at the same time has laid the foundation for the R & D and innovation of subsequent carbon monitoring equipment.

After the “double carbon” goal was established, Wanyi Technology actively responded to the national strategic call, closely focused on the carbon reduction needs of local governments and park enterprises, and deeply explored the challenges that could face.Based on its own carbon monitoring equipment, the company has launched the “Comprehensive Smart Snaping Solution”.According to Zang Hui, this plan relies on the six major sections of “monitoring discharge management, diffusion evolution, carbon asset management, greenhouse gas emissions list, scenario model prediction, evaluation decision -making”, through “carbon monitoring -carbon portrait -carbon footprint -carbon forecast-Carbon decision -making “goes in five steps to assist the local government, parks and enterprises to achieve carbon peaks with scientific and technological means.

Carbon trading is an important mechanism for achieving the goal of “double carbon”.With the continuous advancement of carbon emission reduction work, the carbon trading market is continuously developing.In response to the key areas of carbon transactions, Zang Hui emphasized that Wanyi Technology will continue to cultivate the field of carbon emission monitoring and management and launch more advanced carbon emission monitoring technology products to ensure that enterprises can accurately calculate carbon footprints and provide them with carbon transactions to provide them with carbon transactions.Solid data support, thereby promoting the smooth realization of the “double carbon” goal.

Four major directions planning environmental monitoring a new chapter

For the construction of a beautiful China, for the environmental monitoring industry, it is not only a major opportunity to show its own strength, but also an opportunity to welcome new challenges and show new actions.Standing at the new historical starting point, how does Wanyi Technology seize the opportunities, deal with challenges, and make full planning?Zang Hui revealed the four directions of the future development of Wanyi Technology Industry and Environmental Division for us: increase investment in research and development, provide customized solutions, deepen data services, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

First of all, increase efforts to develop innovation and lead development with innovation.Wanyi Technology will increase research and development investment, and use advanced sensing technology, data analysis algorithms, etc., continuously improve the technical level and product quality, and create high -precision, high stability, and intelligent environmental monitoring instruments.In recent years, Wanyi Technology has been continuously increasing the research and development of quality spectrum and chromatography in the field of environmental monitoring instruments, and strives to achieve domestic alternatives of high -end environmental monitoring equipment, showing the powerful strength of Chinese manufacturing.

Secondly, in response to the characteristics of various industries and scenes, Wanyi Technology will provide more and more comprehensive customized environmental monitoring solutions.In various fields such as fine particles and ozone collaborative control, smart drainage pipe network, and smart parks, Wanyi Technology will help customers achieve precise governance and sustainable development with professional technology and high -quality services, and jointly protect the green China greenShuiqing Mountain.

In terms of data services, Wanyi Technology will strengthen the analysis and application of environmental monitoring data, establish a data platform, deeply excavate the value of environmental data, realize the real -time transmission, storage and analysis of data, and provide accurate and reliable government, enterprises, and the public to provide accurate and reliable and reliable people.Environmental data services provide scientific basis for environmental management and decision -making, and provide strong support for promoting the construction of ecological civilization and realizing harmony between man and nature.

Finally, Wanyi Technology will actively strengthen exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises.Through joint research and development, technology transfer, etc., resource sharing and advantage complement each other, and jointly promote the innovation and development of environmental monitoring technology.This attitude of open cooperation will enhance the technical level and market competitiveness of Wanyi Technology itself, and will also effectively promote the construction of beautiful Chinese.