Ningxia Optimized Business Environmental Affairs Service Online Available Rate of 95.3% Yinchuan, March 22 (Yang Di Liu Xingqiang) The reporter learned from the Ningxia rule of law government construction promotion meet Yinchuan, March 22 (Yang Di Liu Xingqiang) The reporter learned from the Ningxia rule of law government construction promotion meeting on the 22nd that in recent years, Ningxia has continuously optimized the business environment, and the government service network can have a 95.3%.”Once a” event accounted for 91.3%, 12 indicators became national benchmarks.

Promote the scene.Liu Xingqiang Photo

  According to reports, since 2022, Ningxia has continued to introduce 32 specific measures such as optimizing the business environment regulations, the promotion of SME development, and the optimization of the business environment of the rule of law.The “list” preparation work is at the forefront of the country.

  In terms of rights and interests, Ningxia issued the “Opinions of Strengthening the Administrative Response of Administrative Reconsideration Administrative Response”.The reconsideration decision has a performance rate of 100%.All 27 cities and counties (districts) in Ningxia all established an administrative dispute coordination and resolution center. Nearly 800 new mediation organizations were added, and 239 “one -stop” conflict and dispute mediation centers were established.