Taikang Huiying Life (Smart Selection Edition) is listed, providing dual guarantee for wealth and health in the longevity era

Zhuzhou News Network, April 24 (Correspondent Han Yi) Taikang Life Life recently launched “Taikang Huiying Life

Zhuzhou News Network, April 24 (Correspondent Han Yi) Taikang Life Life recently launched “Taikang Huiying Life (Smart Selection) Annual Insurance (Dividend)” (hereinafter referred to as Huiying Life (Smart Selection Edition))In the cycle, the dual definition of insurance protection and wealth management is provided.

The classic combination of “dividend annuity+universal insurance account” that can also be guaranteed at the age of 75

Huiying Life (Smart Edition) is a dividend annuity insurance.The product continues the classics and provides customers with two cash flow.The survival gold is paid every year from the 6th to 64th; the pension is paid every year from the age of 65 to 105 years old.Specifically, the products have four major features.

Last long -term collar.Huiying’s life (Smart Selection Edition) has a wider age, and the per capita age of 0-75 years can be insured. It has broaden the insured group. At the age of 75, it can be insured and meets the needs of the elderly market.In the 64th year after the insurance, the insured is 64 years old, pays for survival every year, and starts with pensions at 65 years old, until the age of 105.To ensure the stable cash flow of “lifelong”, the longer the life, the more you receive.

Note: “Lifetime” refers to the insurance period until the age of 105; the insurance over 59 years old has no survival gold, because the 65th year has begun to adopt pension; the 65th age and above are insured.

Terminal high neck.The timing payment, starting from the sixth year, pays the basic insurance amount every year, and write to the insurance contract. The safety is guaranteed.Taking a 30 -year -old male with a 10 -year payment and a annual payment of 10,000 premiums as an example, starting the 6th year, the annual amount is 2690 yuan, up to 105 years old.

Guarantee multiple collar.Compared with the previous Huiying Life (Adult Edition) annuity, new products receive higher survival funds each year.For example, before the first pension receipt of the 65th age, the provision of death is provided, and the amount of payment is equal to those who have paid premiums and the current price value.If the insured person died after the first pension receipt, it was guaranteed that the beneficiary received for 25 years.

Dividends increase.It may also get annual dividends and share the company’s operating results.

Note: The dividend depends on the actual operation of the company’s dividend insurance business. It is uncertain and may be 0.

In addition, Huiying’s Life (Smart Selection Edition) insurance plan not only sells a single year of gold products, but also the classic combination plan of annuity+universal insurance account.The annuity can be combined with the 10,000 universal insurance accounts with Taikang Futai’s 20,000 capable account, Taikang to 200,000 accounts, and Taikang Zunzun’s 200,000 -energy insurance account, forming an annuity insurance plan.Survival gold, pensions and annual dividends (non -guarantee) enter the monthly compound interest and value -added of the universal account to achieve the perfect combination of capital security, liquidity, and value -added.Pension, inheritance and other life goals provide life planning.

The minimum guarantee interest rates of the three universal accounts with Huiying Life (Smart Selection) are 2.0%.The excellent performance of the universal insurance account also depends on Taikang’s strong investment and financial strength.As of 2023, Taikang’s management assets exceeded 3.1 trillion yuan.In 2023, Taikang Assets ranked 64th in the world and 3rd in China in the “Top 500 Global Asset Management 500” ranking in the international authoritative media IPE.

Note: The revenue of the minimum guarantee interest rate or above universal account is uncertain. The historical settlement interest rate is for reference only, and does not serve as a commitment to future income.The prevailing; compound interest is a way of interest calculation, which does not represent the company’s commitment to income, and the interest rate of interest rates in the company’s actual publicity shall prevail.

As a main product of Taikang Life, Huiying Life (Smart Selection Edition) provides three different versions, which are high -necked editions, Zhushou Edition and double version, to achieve one product and three plans.

Among them, as a classic version, customers only need to insure basic insurance liability.Compared with the Zhushou Edition and the Double Edition, there are more survival gold in the high -necked version, and there are more amounts to enter the universal account. In the same conditions, the customer has more interests.

The birthday version is to pay customers a life insurance insurance. The life insurance benefit is equal to the total amount of insurance premiums that have been paid and write this to the contract. After ensuring the total premiums of the payment, they can continue to receive the survival fund to “life”.

On the basis of the high -necked version, the two -person version can continue to provide annual survival payments for the second insured after the first insured.Or the two generations and even intergenerational wealth relay help customers complete the family’s wealth planning.

Product+service+ecology reflects the overall advantage of Taikang

From the perspective of Taikang Life, the company’s sales are never a single insurance product, but the overall advantage of insurance companies.Therefore, Taikang’s annuity products not only have “lifelong” cash flow, but also provide customers with high-quality health management services- “Heart and Brain” high-quality medical services.

Chen Dongsheng, chairman of Taikang Insurance Group, mentioned in the book “Longevity Era” that “the extended life span has made the” long -term survival of the disease “become the norm.The core medical model, health has become the first element and the most valuable wealth for individual attention. “

According to a report released by the National Cardiovascular Center, my country is facing the increasingly serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease problems. The number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases has reached 330 million people. The residual rate of the disease reached 45%, showing the characteristics of the “three highs”. Paying attention to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health has become the “top priority” for each family.

Adhering to the concept of “preventing greater treatment”, Taikang deeply integrates large healthy ecological resources, and ingeniously creates high -quality medical services “Heart and Brain”, which is characterized by deep screening of heart and brain, and provides customers with exclusive pre -diagnosis screening.The whole process of the heart and brain protection plan of the medical treatment and recovery of the medical treatment and the recovery after the diagnosis.

In addition, in order to increase the health guarantee for customers, Taikang also specially created Taikang’s “Heartbone Thai” medical security plan.If the cerebral aneurysm is detected during screening, it needs timely surgery. The plan provides a medical insurance for 1 million yuan in surgery, 100,000 yuan surgery for hospitalization, and transportation and accommodation cost guarantees.Can link Taikang medical resources and achieve dual increase in costs and service guarantees.

Note: Specific insurance liability and avoidance of liability are subject to the terms of “Taikang Specific Cerebration of Cerebration of Cerebration 2022 Medical Insurance”.Be sure to read the insurance clauses carefully about responsibility, except responsibility, truthful informing obligations, termination of contracts, waiting periods and hospital scope;Essence

Taikang is committed to providing customers with better health and medical services for customers with a comprehensive ecosystem.Taikang builds three major closed loops of longevity, health, and wealth, especially to promote “health insurance+health services+ecological” healthy closed loop, and build a three -layer system for health management services that cover customers with all health cycles: self -built international medical centers, rehabilitation hospitals and related relatedMedical resources; invest in related large health enterprises; cooperate with various large health resources at home and abroad to enrich health medical networks.

Connect the Taikang Pension Community, Huaxiang Life

Huiying Life (Smart Selection Edition) can also take the “longevity and appointment” products that have an appointment with happiness, and lock in the qualifications of Taikang House Pension Community in advance to help customers achieve long -lived, healthy and rich life.As a well -known high -quality pension chain brand in the country, at present, Taikang House has deployed 40 projects in 35 cities across the country. Among them, 20 parks have been opened to operate, and more than 12,000 residents have been operated to continue leading the industry.Looking forward to the future, Taikang Life will fully adopt a new type of life insurance service model to provide all -round wealth and health management services for customers and family members, helping them to enjoy a longer life, healthy, and rich life.

First trial: Zhou Xue

Second trial: Li Miao