Start registration!2024 Greater Bay Area "Data Elements × Financial Services" Forum will be held on April 10 in Nansha, Guangzhou

Nanfang Finance All Media Reporter Jiang Shan  Guangzhou reportIn order to help the “data element × financial services” national operations were c

Nanfang Finance All Media Reporter Jiang Shan  Guangzhou report

In order to help the “data element × financial services” national operations were carried out in Guangdong, sharing data assets and data finance experience, the Southern Finance and Economics Group (hereinafter referred to as Nancai Group) jointly hosted by the Guangzhou Data ExchangeThe 2024 Greater Bay Area “Data Elements × Financial Services” forum will be held in Nansha, Guangzhou on April 10.

The theme of the forum is “New Data New Product Finance and Financial Development New Power”. It will invite guests from national and provincial and municipal departments to study professional institutions in think tanks, data elements and financial services, and guests of leading enterprises in various industries who pay close attention to data asset management., To discuss new opportunities for development of “data element × financial services”,Share the latest practice of data asset -based and financial industry innovation, and release data assets into table risk control products to condense consensus for the value mining and innovative application of Guangdong data assets.Promote the high -quality development of the digital economy in Guangdong Province.

The organizers invite guests from all parties to gather together to scan the following poster QR code to view the agenda and sign up for the conference.

At this forum, focus on the current data factor market development and financial innovation.Focusing on the interpretation of national data asset management policy, financial services in data assets “confirmation-evaluation-pledge-loan” full-process application, asset evaluation assistance data asset value realization, financial asset financial attributes, and its implementation pathExperts from academic circles such as the University of Finance and Economics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Zhonglian Assets Evaluation Group, PwC and other academic circles and industry will give keynote speeches, Discuss the feasibility path for the financial melting of data elements.

In order to promote the two -way empowerment of data elements and financial services, fromGuangzhou Data Exchange, Guangzhou Financial Holding Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Guo Ren Property Insurance Co., Ltd.Senior representatives of the digital finance field will share round tables to give play to Guangdong’s use of data factor multiplication effects to better promote the high -quality development of the financial service industry.

In February of this year, the successful example of the first single data assets of Guangdong was born -Nancai Group’s Nancai Financial Terminal “Information” data assets were completed, and under the Guangzhou Data Exchange’s funding for financing docking services, it obtained China Industrial and Commercial and CommerceThe Nansha Branch of the Bank of China Free Trade Zone received a credit of 5 million yuan.To this end, Nancai Group will also work with important partners during the forum to release innovative products in the field of data assets, in order to join hands with more relevant parties to seize the “data element × financial service” policy opportunities to achieve more new productive productivity of Guangdong development dataVivid practice.

Affiliated forum agenda:

Forum Time:

Morning April 10, 2024

Forum location:

Yunhai Hall, Binhai Convention Center, Nansha Bay, Nansha District, Guangzhou City

Forum agenda:

(1) Guests sign in 

(2) Leadership speech

(3) The progress of financial innovation in data assets in the table

1. Introduction to the first data asset loan in Guangdong Province

2. Data asset risk control product release

(4) The keynote speech 

1. Interpretation of national data asset management policies

2. Application and thinking of financial services in the entire process of “confirmation-evaluation-pledge-loan” in data assets

3. Asset evaluation help data asset value realization

4. The financial attributes of data assets and its implementation path

(5) Round table discussion    

How can Guangdong play the effect of data factor multiplication and promote the high -quality development of the financial service industry?