Experts hotly discuss business innovation 2023 Long Triangle Business Innovation Index Release

SSE ChinaOn June 18th, the 6th Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Conference, sponsored by the Shanghai Yangt

  SSE ChinaOn June 18th, the 6th Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Conference, sponsored by the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “Commercial Institute”) and the academic support of the School of Management of Fudan University and the “2023 Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Sample”At the press conference, people from all walks of life from the Yangtze River Delta region gathered together to discuss commercial innovation.

  Chen Kaixian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the chairman of the Yangtze River Delta Pharmaceutical Innovation and Development Alliance, saidInnovation is ushered in unprecedented opportunities, and my country’s new medicine creation has made significant progress, and it has become among the top internationally.However, the lack of primitive innovation is still a challenge. It is necessary to strengthen the development of new tracks and realize the transformation from “following” to “leading”.

  Mei Hong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the digital transformation isParadigm changes in the times.At present, the world is actively promoting digital transformation. Facing the challenge of transformation, all walks of life must work together to welcome the profound changes in this era.The current “” and “digital transformation” is such a chance of change, and the innovation space brought by the change is endless.

  Yuan Ansen, deputy chairman and secretary -general of the Yangtze River Delta Medical Innovation and Development Alliance, and chairman of Tianhui Capital, put forward four suggestions for the development of the enterprise. One must review the situation and strengthen the core competitiveness;Third, we must adhere to the bottom line of compliance and cash flow to ensure stable development; fourth, we must research and judge, form an industrial chain co -power, and jointly cope with challenges.

  Tang Zhehui, deputy director of the expert committee of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Research Institute and the auditing partner of An Yong Hard Technology Industry Center Center, said that in the future, under the leadership of the integrated strategy of the Yangtze River Delta, the Shangchuang Institute will drive the productive for innovation to create a community of human destiny.The glorious future.

  At the meeting, Liu Ying, deputy director of the Innovation Research Center of the Commercial Institute, released the “2023 Yangtze River Delta Business Innovation Index”.The innovative construction of the Shangchuang Index constructs a six -dimensional system, including strategic force, management power, and subjects, Cultural power, ecological and capital power 6 first -level indicators, 24 second -level indicators, and 40 third -level indicators, the commercial innovation index framework, accurately identify new productivity enterprises, and show the high -quality development trend of the Yangtze River Delta.